What is Efflorescence?
Mostly salts. That was easy, wasn’t it. Why these salts are on top of my wall, then? The answer is, because of water. The efflorescence is caused by excessive moisture in the masonry unit. It means, brick or block or stone. When the moisture evaporates it leaves the minerals from inside of the bricks and deposits them in a form of white, crusty powder. This unpleasant appearance is just one of the effects. Much more serious is hygroscopic effect of salts. Unfortunately, it causes affected surfaces to attract even more water. Resulting in increased pressure inside of affected masonry units. Subsequently leading to faster damage and structural problems.
Hence, this powdery phenomena is usually an indicator of water penetration into masonry structure. However it has a positive side as well, serving as a warning before more serious damages take place. Please observe your walls after longer period of dry weather. It naturally indicates whether wall absorb water.
What about efflorescence inside the wall? Particularly profound in basements of older buildings. It is a result of decades of slow moisture migration, through the foundations and lower level bricks. Often it takes heavy toll on them. Usually, damages cover large areas. They are also very messy. However, cleaning is not the main problem. After all these are bearing walls and foundations. Don’t underestimate the importance of that.
The Efflorescence, what to do?
First, it can be partially removed by washing the wall using water mixed with chemical agent. For those who want to be more organic, just use vinegar. Anyway, cleaning of powdery substance is a cosmetic process, thus will not prevent reappearance of such in the future. Not until the problem that causes it, is solved. So, to stop it from re-occurring, moisture must be kept from entering the wall. Therefore surfaces should be evaluated for their condition. Please call or click here for free estimate.
- Mineral deposits
- This white stuff will damage your wall
- White residue on the wall
- Wall needs to be waterproofed
- White powder from bricks in basement
- Damaged basement wall